Sunday, March 8, 2009

Reading the World with Graphic Novels

This is my presentation from the 2009 CLAS Conference. My argument is that we need to be aware of our perception of the world if we are to help students better see it. Literature can help. Specifically, graphic novels can be used to good effect. I also propose "seeing" in a new way by thinking of the term "focalization" as a replacement for the more general "point of view" that we're used to using in literature discussions with secondary school students. Some writers suggest that focalization is a more accurate concept to describe the craft of writing a graphic novel. We ended the session by looking at excerpts from two novels and trying out the questions, "Who sees? Who speaks?" to understand what the authors and illustrators were doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your presentation. It was interesting. I teach and also review graphic novels with the classroom context in mind for The Graphic Classroom -- -- which folks may find useful when considering the rationale and gathering resources.